Welcome - our latest update...
We got a MakerBot 3D printer a few months ago for Christmas. It was the best Christmas present ever. We have enjoyed printing out all kinds of useful gizmos for around the house. We have also been brushing up on our 3D modeling skills in Autocad. Our latest passion is using our iPads to 3D print objects using MakerBot's apple app. A few days ago, we made an iPad case and printed it from the app - which was a really neat experience.
For those of you interested in learning more about how to do 3D printing from an iPad - our go to resource has been 3DInsider.com. They have a lot of guides that we found useful.
When we first got our 3D printer I had no idea how to even begin. It was a huge undertaking - but it has been rewarding.
After playing around with the MakerBot I can see the true promise of 3D printing. It's not just a fad - it's a fundamental change in manufacturing technology. I think in the not to distant future - people will browse stores on the iPads to purchase CAD files and print them straight away in their homes.
When I mention this to friends and family, they predictably think I'm a bit nuts.
We will be spending a lot more time on this site this year. We have just been so busy with other projects right now - so this site hasn't gotten our full attention. We are really hopeful that this website will be a success - so we will definitely spend a lot more time on it shortly.
Until then, please keep posted.

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